Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Reform or revolution

Just a quick thought from the train.  I'm worried that a lot of supporters of this movement are aiming for reform.  I think that'd just be a bandage.  The reason things are like this is because we live in a system that values greed and individualism.   We live in a capitalist system.  This whole system is based upon the tennant that some people are uber rich and able to make money by owning the means of production.  They do so by taking advantage of the workers need for money, for livelihood.  I digress.
I think we need something different where work is valued, people are valued, our earth is valued and the money doesn't rule the world.  If we cooperated, there would be enough to go around and we could squelch greed.  But peopleare afraid what they'd have to give up.  To me,  I don't care.  It's worth it.
Off to occupy boston tonight.  There was a huge march today with the students and nurses union.  They blocked off the Boa building for a while and students had a sit in on the street.  Luckily without incident.  Also huge march in NYC today.  20,000 marchers I heard.  Going for the GA today and to get some help with occupy worcester.  

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